Yet Another Angel

Even though not all the details have been released it seems Heaven gained another angel. We don’t know why someone would take the life of a child especially one who had barely turned three. We don’t know what that child went through only to end up in a black plastic garbage bag. We don’t know when the downward spiral began. But we do know the Bella Bond will get justice.

“The tragedy of her death is compounded by the fact that her short life ended not by illness or accident, but we believe by an act of violence in the very place where she should have felt safest, in her home,” Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel Conley said.

According to a law enforcement source Bella was allegedly, “punched by her mother’s boyfriend because he thought she was possessed”. I’m sorry what? It just disgusts me that a grown man would have the gaul to hit a child- let alone a three year old. This statement was just recently released giving some insight on a murder mystery that has been plaguing the world for the last three months since Bella Bond was only known as “Bella Doe” due to lack of information and resources. This was because all physical remains were indistinguishable and the only materialistic objects were Bella’s blanket and her black polka-dot leggings.


It took forensic artist Christi Andrews less than four hours to bring the face of “Baby Doe” to life in an image that has touched millions (the image located on the right is the final Adobe Photoshop piece). According to Andrews, “This was a rush request,” who works for the Virginia-based National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. “I tried to get this out as soon as possible.” Even with limited resources Andrews compiled the photo after “studying autopsy information and morgue photos of the unidentified remains of the little girl, found in a trash bag along the rocky shoreline of Boston harbor.”

Which is another thing I’d like to talk about. Bella’s body was dumped by the Boston Harbor?? I feel a bit bad about saying this but Bond and McCarthy couldn’t have picked another spot? Or rather maybe they shouldn’t have murdered the child in the first place; there’s a thought.

Which brings up another great point. It’s quite obvious that Bond was and still is an incapable mother. This is an excerpt from the CNN article explaining perfectly how incompetent she really is:

“The state Department of Children and Families said it provided services for Bella in 2012 and 2013 following neglect complaints. It did not provide specific details.

Between 2001 and 2006, child welfare authorities terminated Bond’s parental rights over two other children, an agency official said. One is in custody of the maternal grandmother; an unrelated family adopted the other, the official said.

Yessiomara Torres, Bond’s next-door neighbor, said the girl’s mother told her she had lost custody of two other children and worried about losing custody of Bella, CNN affiliate WHDH-TV reported.

“She said she didn’t want anybody taking her away from her, that she is trying her best to be the best parent that she can be,” Torres told the station.”

Torres has a lot more sympathy than the rest of the world it seems and I’m siding with the majority. What more after Bond and McCarthy’s arrest they put blame on each other for the death of Bella and who really caused her demise. If they’re seriously putting on that act- then I believe these people have some mental issues. As stated before McCarthy thought Bella was possessed…..this isn’t The Exorcist and if he truly believe that then a Priest should of been on speed dial.


Unfortunately Bella Bond is only one of thousands of young children who loose their lives prematurely because of unnecessary neglect. I hope this post brings a bit more awareness to what is going on in the world and that maybe we can somehow prevent these tragedies from happening ever again.

“We’re gonna have to mourn together as a family through this, and stick together, and get through this the best way that we possibly know how to,” Bella’s biological father, Joe Amoroso, told CNN affiliate WHDH.

“Somewhere in my heart I’m gonna have to find forgiveness and that time will come,” he said.

In the end the Justice System is the deciding factor on giving Bella the justice she deserves. Whether that’s life in jail or another consequence; at least we know that Bella Bond is no longer Bella Doe.

Look forward to next weeks post!

Hugs Xoxoxo



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