Is shame worse than death?

Common core is word that brings dread to schools, anxiety to teachers, and horror to parents and children alike. But what exactly is Common Core? The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade.

It is meant to, “represent a tighter set of smarter standards focused on developing critical learning skills instead of mastering fragmented bits of knowledge.” It is meant to, “require more progressive, student-centered teaching with strong elements of collaborative and reflective learning.” It is meant to,
“equalize the playing field by raising expectations for all children, especially those suffering the worst effects of the “drill and kill” test prep norms of the recent past.” But are the goals actually being met? “So far, there is no research or experience to justify the extravagant claims being made for the ability of these standards to ensure that every child will graduate from high school “college and career ready.” By all accounts, the new Common Core tests will be considerably harder than current state assessments, leading to sharp drops in scores and proficiency rates.”

Implementing something so new to teachers and students- only to expect extraordinary results is madness.

This is where Jeanene Worrell-Breeden comes in. Worrell-Breeden was the principal of a innovative West Harlem public school who tragically committed suicide by jumping onto the tracks of an oncoming subway train. She was pulled out from under the train only to pass away eight days later at Harlem Hospital.

Jeanene Worrell-Breeden SOURCE: NYPOST

“The leap came at 9:20 a.m., less than 24 hours after her 47 third-graders wrapped up three days sweating over the high-stakes English exam — the first ever given at the fledgling school.

It was also the same day a whistleblower reported the cheating to DOE officials.

Parents were shocked and saddened to learn Worrell-Breeden died but were given no details at the time. It was rumored she was killed in a car crash.”

Photo: Robert Miller

I understand the need for public discretion and family privacy but to tell parents, that all the third-grade English exams had been “red-flagged” and “invalidated”  without any particular reason just after this death had occurred will raise suspicion indefinitely. It made even less sense when Superintendent Reeves of West Harlem told parents, “The children didn’t do anything wrong, and the teachers didn’t do anything wrong,” Diane Tinsley, a mother of one of the third-graders, quoted Reeves saying.  But Reeves refused to explain.

Just another cover-up, another scandal to bury… it’s all over but no one refuses to address it.

After extreme probing and endless unanswered questions the DOE blamed the recalled tests on the dead principal. But that didn’t make sense to parents-

“A lot of people are getting sick and leaving the system because of the pressure the high-stakes tests are putting on them,” a veteran educator said.But Worrell-Breeden seemed “relaxed,” Tinsley said.“She was reassuring us parents,” Tinsley said. “Her whole attitude was that they’re going to breeze through this test, and that she had prepared them to ace any test.” Each morning of the three-part exam — given April 14 to 16 — Worrell-Breeden served the kids breakfast and held a pep rally. “She had them run around the gym cheering to get rid of their nervousness,” Tinsley said. How could such an engaging driven leader forge these standardized tests and why?

According to a family friend Worrell-Breeden was struggling with a lot of personal setbacks.This ranged from the passing of her grandmother and her husband moving out (he also managed to have another kid with a separate woman). Plus with the added pressure of being the first principal at this school most likely made her want to give a good impression (hence changing messing around with all those tests). Even though these are “decent” excuses, Worrell-Breeden has history within the district.

“In 2009, the special commissioner of investigation for city schools found she had clocked in for overtime pay while working out with a personal trainer three times a week in the school gym.Her time card “disappeared” after investigators visited the school. The probe found she altered her time card and coerced subordinates to say she had offered them hundreds of OT hours first — as required — before taking them herself.”

This public school seemed to be doomed from the start or maybe Common Core just sends people into a frenzy. Regardless the education system is trying its best revamp itself- though it might not be in the best interest of everyone else.


Look forward to next weeks post!

Hugs Xoxoxo


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