I made it!!

Hi everyone!

I apologize for the delay of posting but I decided to just use my old school blog instead of making an entirely new website. But long story short- I’m in Ireland!! As of tomorrow I will have already been in Cork for 2 weeks which is like, crazy to think about. Next thing I know I’ll be back home for Christmas and being across the ocean for 4 months will just be a memory.

But we’re not here to talk about that. You’re here to see what I’ve been up too, how my classes are, and if I’m making friends (well, I know that’s what my mom wants hahaha…and I know you’re reading this!) among other things. Rest assured everything is going great! The weather is surprisingly nice, my roommates aren’t crazy, and my music program is a lot more fun than I anticipated.

St Vincents

This building (St. Vincent’s) is where I have all my music classes. It’s actually a super old church that got renovated by UCC to accommodate the music department. Unfortunately it’s about a 20 minute climb up the worst hill to get there though.

I know this post is a bit shorter than I’d personally like but unlike home, it’s super late here and I need to go to bed.


Talk to you all soon!
