I made it!!

Hi everyone!

I apologize for the delay of posting but I decided to just use my old school blog instead of making an entirely new website. But long story short- I’m in Ireland!! As of tomorrow I will have already been in Cork for 2 weeks which is like, crazy to think about. Next thing I know I’ll be back home for Christmas and being across the ocean for 4 months will just be a memory.

But we’re not here to talk about that. You’re here to see what I’ve been up too, how my classes are, and if I’m making friends (well, I know that’s what my mom wants hahaha…and I know you’re reading this!) among other things. Rest assured everything is going great! The weather is surprisingly nice, my roommates aren’t crazy, and my music program is a lot more fun than I anticipated.

St Vincents

This building (St. Vincent’s) is where I have all my music classes. It’s actually a super old church that got renovated by UCC to accommodate the music department. Unfortunately it’s about a 20 minute climb up the worst hill to get there though.

I know this post is a bit shorter than I’d personally like but unlike home, it’s super late here and I need to go to bed.


Talk to you all soon!


One thought on “I made it!!

  1. Tessa, glad to hear you are settled and enjoying yourself sans the hill climbing! 😉
    We are so proud of you & look forward to hearing about your adventures! It seems like just the other day you were a wisp of a child…now you are a beautiful young woman pursuing her studies abroad! Go Tessa!!! Love, The Fragomeni (your other) family xoxo


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