Dancing videos because why not?


So I wasn’t planning on posting till like the weekend, but I had to share some cool videos with you all after our music professor presented them to us today.

Besides playing instruments and going to concerts my class obviously have to go lectures- even if we really don’t want to. Today we discussed traditional Irish dances and I was quite surprised on how many, well, “genres” there were. Most people know about Irish Step Dancing and surprisingly it’s more popular in America than here in Ireland! But instead of boring you all with a detailed list of all the different dances, I just want to share a video or two of some of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.

So Riverdance (some of you may know it) is a dancing theatrical show consisting of mainly traditional Irish dancing. This globally renowned show began as an interval performance at the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest and after that one performance, the world was instantly captivated by Irish Dancing. The video below will show you exactly why.

Awesome right? So after this one performance Irish Step really took off across the globe and influenced a lot of other dancers. Which leads me to Prodijig; over in Europe there is a show very similar to America’s Got Talent called Got To Dance and it’s exclusive to just dance groups. Here’s their final performance that made them champions of season 3.

Now the main guy in the middle (you’ll see at the end) originally danced with Riverdance when he was like 9 years old. And as seen from this clip Irish Step has come a long way since 1994 and even before that. Compared to its usual rigidness these guys took it to a whole other level!

Anyway hope you guys like them as much as I do!

Talk to you soon!


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