Kinsales, food, and cliffs!

Omg I am so sorry for not posting sooner. I really have the worst time remembering to post here….but, since I’m back I’m going to spam all of you with photos from my day tour to West Cork. We went through this real cool touring company called Paddywagon (if you come visit me, go through them!) they did an awesome job and the groups are relatively small.

Anyway! Here are some of my favorite pics from the trip! Along with a selfie, because why not!

Okay so this is inside Charles Fort. “Charles Fort is a classic example of a late 17th century star-shaped fort. As one of the largest military installations in the country, Charles Fort has been associated with some well known events in Irish history.” – courtesy of the Paddywagon website
Just a cool shot I took 🙂 This is inside the fort as well


Got this as Fishy Fishy Cafe….so so so good
OKAY! So my fav place out of everything. This was at Old Head Golf Links- apparently Tiger Woods played golf around the corner from here
Got to get those selfies, even if you are a few feet from death lol
Just a neat shot from Timoleague Abbey
Creepy or peaceful? You decide


And finally! Drumbeg Stone Circle- this was apparently a place of Pagan worship. 


Hope you guys like the photos!

Talk to you soon!

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