Ring of Kerry!

Hellllooooo everyone!

I feel all these posts are gonna start with me apologizing for not posting in forever….oops haha.

But anyway! Thing’s have been busy over here- lots of studying, exams, and papers (I have another due next tuesday ugh). What more Halloween is just around the corner so pretty much everyone is going out these days.

Though I did go on an amazing weekend trip with UCC to the Ring of Kerry! Man we did so many things from ceili dancing, attempting to learn Gaelic football, hiked SO MUCH, but the food was amazing and I made a lot of new friends 🙂

There are a lot more photos than this but I’m posting my favorites cuz why not? lol


Hope everyone is getting ready for Halloween! Look forward to all the pics from that!

Sorry for the short post but as I said I have a paper to write!




Hello everyone!

I really need to get into the habit of posting more….so again I apologize. But as the title states, I WENT TO LONDON! And it was amazing. If London wasn’t so expensive I’d probably move there when I’m older but I’m not rich, and I’d make my family super sad cuz it’s just me hahaha.

All in all, London is exactly as you see in movies and television shows. It’s exhilarating, gorgeous, and the history is immense. The only downside is how expensive public transportation is- a friend who we met there (I traveled with 4 other people) says that even though she goes to school for free etc etc, she still pays around 300 pounds A MONTH just on public transportation! That’s insane.

We did a lot of things over the course of three days; starting as soon as we arrived on Thursday. Thursday consisted of finding our hostel (we got lost) and touring Warner Bros. Studios London (we got lost coming back). Friday was all sight seeing from Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye- finished the night off with Nandos (best chicken place EVER). Saturday was a bit weird, we didn’t have much of a schedule so we decided to just search around for museums even though we only ended up touring one (British Natural History Museum) and exploring Hyde Park, WHICH IS HUGE BY THE WAY.

Leaving Sunday was supposed to go well- it didn’t hahaha. I actually ended up missing my flight due to a number of unavoidable reasons from trains being closed, missing platform stops, and Ryanair having weird boarding pass rules. I assure you I made it back even though I was freaking out the entire time, ask my mom she’ll tell you.

These are just a handful of photos I took on my trip- if you want the full album just head to my Facebook for everything!


Have a great day!

