Ring of Kerry!

Hellllooooo everyone!

I feel all these posts are gonna start with me apologizing for not posting in forever….oops haha.

But anyway! Thing’s have been busy over here- lots of studying, exams, and papers (I have another due next tuesday ugh). What more Halloween is just around the corner so pretty much everyone is going out these days.

Though I did go on an amazing weekend trip with UCC to the Ring of Kerry! Man we did so many things from ceili dancing, attempting to learn Gaelic football, hiked SO MUCH, but the food was amazing and I made a lot of new friends 🙂

There are a lot more photos than this but I’m posting my favorites cuz why not? lol


Hope everyone is getting ready for Halloween! Look forward to all the pics from that!

Sorry for the short post but as I said I have a paper to write!



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